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Diabetes treatment system

 Diabetes treatment system

A system for treating diabetes

Definition of diabetes

Diabetes is a disease resulting from an imbalance of hormones in the body and not a lack of insulin. Only, diabetes may be due to increased secretion of the thyroid gland, or due to pregnancy hormones, or due to nervousness, or due to excess fat and obesity. Knowing the cause of diabetes through accurate analysis... saves treatment costs... and in general... diabetes must be treated before any other disease in the body... because by treating diabetes, it is possible to treat the liver, joints, eyes, teeth, headaches... and all the symptoms of diabetes.

Dangers of Neglecting Diabetes Treatment

If diabetes treatment is neglected, it may lead to blockage of the capillaries in the feet, the heart (angina), or the kidneys, and perhaps It leads to nerve damage, loss of sensation, blindness, and non-healing of wounds, and every person has different symptoms.

Symptoms of diabetes

Perhaps the symptoms of diabetes were constant thirst and frequent urination, perhaps the symptoms were constant scratching, and perhaps the symptoms were emaciation and thinness. He lost weight, and the symptoms may only be joint pain (especially the knees and shoulder), and so the symptoms vary from person to person.

The importance of following up on sugar tests

- Accurate sugar tests: They are the most important in following up on diabetes and can be daily in children and weekly in adults in order to control the amount Medication, or food, and just taking the medicine without regular tests every week is a kind of futility and negligence.

Diabetes treatment vocabulary

There are many diabetes treatment vocabulary, the most important of which are:
  1. Walking for an hour every day reduces blood sugar by 20%.
  2. A wide belt for the abdomen, if it is large, dissolves fat.
  3. Avoid sugar, sweets, fats, grapes, strawberries, mangoes, pasta, stuffed meats, pies, ice water, and red meat.
  4. Bee venom injections (Insulin secretion is activated day after day.
  5. Taking care of a diabetic patient’s feet is one of the most important steps in treatment, otherwise it will turn into gangrene. Therefore, it is necessary to:
    • Mash the compound feet daily to constantly renew the capillaries.
    • < li>A hot bath for the feet (with mustard and ginger) continuously daily.
  6. Anointing and massaging the face, hands and feet with oils to stimulate blood circulation 3 times daily.
  7. A spoonful of bitter (compound) honey + Propolis + a spoonful of herbal vinegar + 1/2 cup of water reduces blood sugar levels by 20% before eating 3 times a day.
  8. A drink (marjoram + rosemary + sage) A teaspoon of the mixture reduces blood sugar by 30% twice a day.
  9. A drink (helya gravel + samwa + thyme) A teaspoon of the mixture reduces blood sugar 25% once a day.
  10. Saf (cress seeds + mustard) half a spoonful of The mixture reduces sugar by 20% once a day.
  11. Saf (strawberry leaves - purslane seeds + cabbage seeds + myrrh or aloe vera) + a teaspoon of the mixture reduces sugar 20% once every day.
  12. Saf (tobacco - bitter bulb + rhubarb + quina + gum arabic) Half a teaspoon of the mixture reduces sugar by 20%.
  13. Guava, apple, horseradish, lemon, orange, or grapefruit reduces sugar by 15%.
  14. Sprouted grains (vegetable protein): fixed saying - soaked sham beans - beans or cowpeas (soaked and boiled) - lentils in their skins (boiled) - soaked lupine - local soaked wheat soaked (at night). Relying on them reduces the insulin dose 40 % at a rate of one cup per meal with cereal, and completely dispensing with diabetes treatment tablets.
  15. A spoonful of olive oil + a grated onion + a crushed clove of garlic + green parsley + a cup of yogurt (yogurt salad) reduces blood sugar by 20%.
  16. A cup of cranberries reduces blood sugar by 40% ( It is the highest blood sugar control compound.
  17. Chewing a teaspoon of dry coriander reduces sugar by 30% in just one hour.
  18. Diabetes treatment salad (grated onion + grated carrot + crushed clove of garlic). + 2 cloves of cardamom + any vegetables (added hot to a cup of soaked grains to reduce sugar.
  19. The allowed protein is vegetable protein, fixed grains), blanks, skinless fish, or one boiled egg daily.
  20. Small, frequent meals (five meals a day) are required to ensure stable blood sugar levels and consist of (a cup of drink + diabetes treatment salad + sprouted grain soup + diabetes treatment fruit + yogurt salad + permitted protein) + 2 /1
  21. The food is delicious (salad and soup, as well as a medicinal drink, and we do not torture anyone with food or drink. Artichoke + cabbage leaves + vinegar + radish head + green parsley + green arugula + a spoonful of olive oil + lettuce + cucumber) reduces sugar. By 20%. 20 - A bowl of sprouted grains to treat diabetes: an onion + 2 cloves of garlic + 2 lora leaves + a local loaf.
  22. Barley drink: (a tablespoon in 2 cups of water, boil for five minutes, and a spoonful of parsley or 2 leaves can be added to it. Loro) controls sugar and rids the body of excess sugar and fat...but it is forbidden for diabetics to drink talbinah (ground barley), and black seed oil is also forbidden to drink (it causes stomach ulcers).
  23. The nutritional program for treating diabetes controls the body’s hormones. All of them, thus controlling blood pressure and menstrual problems, so be careful not to take blood pressure medications, as the pressure may drop suddenly.
  24. Drinking water regularly is necessary for a diabetic patient, lukewarm water, not iced water, because it reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood and prevents the deposition of salts in the kidneys and is the best way to determine The amount of water to drink is to note the color of the urine. If it is dark, that is, concentrated, you must drink a larger amount of water.
  25. A diabetic patient should beware of strong tea, coffee, cola, and chocolate. The best ones are barley water, anise, fenugreek, chai, grapefruit, cinnamon, ginger, and lemon juice. And marjoram are healthy and beneficial drinks.

Diet for treating diabetes

Diet for treating diabetes: Breakfast: A spoonful of bitter honey + a spoonful of herbal vinegar mixed with half a cup of water on an empty stomach, a piece of cottage cheese + a half-boiled egg + salad (onions - grated carrots - a clove of garlic - artichokes - cabbage leaves - a head of radish - green parsley - arugula - lettuce - cucumber) . Lunch: a spoonful of bitter honey + a spoonful of herbal vinegar in half a cup of water, a slice of skinless fish or chicken, or vegetable protein (peas, green beans, cowpeas, or beans) + green salad + soup. Diabetes treatment: a clove of garlic - an onion - a bay leaf - cut. Cardamom, any vegetable. Dinner: a spoonful of bitter honey + a spoonful of herbal vinegar with half a cup of water, a ziyadi salad without meat + half a loaf + one fruit. Prohibited items: strawberries, mango, cola, chocolate, cheese, pasta, rice, stuffings of all kinds, all sugars and starches, fermented vegetables, pickles, liver, sesame, luncheon meat, Romano cheese, salted fish and herring.

Hot drinks for diabetics

Hot drinks for diabetics: 1- Marjoram (half a spoon) + thyme (a quarter spoon) + fenugreek ( 1 tablespoon + sage (half a tablespoon) twice daily. 2- Boil a spoonful of barley in 2 cups of water for five minutes, and you can add a spoonful of green parsley. A quarter spoon of gum arabic + a quarter spoon of crushed mulberry leaves + a quarter spoon of basil + a spoon of fenugreek (before bed).

Notifications for diabetics

Warnings for diabetics:
  1. It is forbidden for a diabetic patient to fast under the pretext of reducing blood sugar, because blood sugar rises with fasting.
  2. Walking for an hour every day.
  3. Measuring blood sugar while fasting and after eating once a week.
  4. Massaging the face, extremities and feet with oils three times daily.
  5. Putting a spoonful of coriander in a duck reduces blood sugar.
  6. Injecting bee venom to activate the pancreas and the dose..
Anemia drink: dates + 5 raisins + 1 spoonful of fenugreek gravel boiled in 2 cups of water For five minutes, add a quarter cup of milk

The simple program for treating diabetes for children

The simple program for treating diabetes for children:
  1. A sweet spoon Boiled, drained pebbles (while eating or kissed 3 times daily) or 1/2 ground spoon added to any 1/4 cup of juice or a spoon of honey.
  2. A medium onion + a clove of garlic, grated on yogurt or squeezed in a blender. Or grated on a small salad plate......taken with a spoon while eating (3) times daily).
  3. 1/2 cup of harnakish eaten daily (at any time)...once daily. .
  4. A slice of pawpaw while eating 3 times a day (such as a slice of pineapple). 10, 3 Halayeb dates... Distilled with water from evening until morning, drunk with water, and eaten on an empty stomach daily.
  5. A spoonful of honey nectar on an empty stomach daily (with us). A spoonful of bitter roe + bitter toy + lupine myrrh + gum). 1/4 spoon 1/4 spoon 1/4 spoon 1/4 spoon.
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